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Jodie Lamb

3 Small Service Business Recommendations

Do you get the Wednesday slumps?

I’m not sure why but I’m so tired today. I’ve started and abandoned 2 blog posts. I just can’t seem to get anything done.

Humpday, Wednesday
Wednesday Beer is What I Want!

But I am determined to fulfil my challenge to post blogs every day until this Friday. That will mean that I’ve written 15 posts over 3 weeks, and will have reached the 55 blog milestone. So, in the spirit of getting something out there, I give you this, that I think you will find useful.

The upside of lockdowns for me has been engaging with other small businesses owners online, and especially making use of their excellent services. Who knows if this would have happened were it not for the weird year and a half we’ve had. Below are three such people that I think you should know about.

3 Recommendations of People I’ve liked working with

Alice Benham is a “marketing and business strategist, podcast host and slightly accidental entrepreneur”. She has an incredible energy and a wonderful presence. Over the past year I’ve done a number of her group courses. Each one has moved me forward in my understanding of what I want from my business, and how to achieve that. The thing that blows my mind about Alice is that she is only 22 years old, but she is so wise and insightful, and obviously so good that I've booked three of her offers.

I’m a little bit in awe. She has achieved fantastic things, and has helped so many people to improve their businesses. She offers group coaching and one to one coaching.

business strategy, marketing

I first found Alice via her podcast. I signed up to her newsletter, and then followed her Instagram. All of her content is great. The newsletter is my fave.

Currently I’m part of her On It group, which is set up to create space for working on your business, as well as in your business (basically a structured way to get strategic). I like the strategic business planning. But to be honest I can do that by myself. What I find really useful is the opportunity to connect with other small business owners, and to get feedback and new perspectives. I’ve only been part of the groups for a few months and I’ve made some brilliant professional friendships.

I met Hannah in a break-out group for Alice’s On It, and immediately warmed to her. She is such a compassionate and optimistic person. Hannah provides marketing support for small businesses. Via her hilarious Instagram reels and posts (featuring her two gorgeous chocolate Labradors, and the beach in Barry, South Wales) I was easily persuaded that I needed to join her Five Day Newsletter Fix.

marketing, newsletter, strategy

I absolutely can’t recommend Hannah enough. The course was brilliantly paced and so very helpful. I’d had a few half-arsed attempts at sending out a newsletter previously, and I really wanted to do it, but I just seemed to have a mental block. Having the tech, content ideas and structure broken down in a simple way by Hannah, got me to a point where I sent out a newsletter I was proud of. (The cheerleading and feedback didn’t go amiss either).

So this is getting weird, like a bizarre chain letter, but through Hannah’s newsletter fix I met Becki Jones who is a Fertility Nutritionist. Becki has recently retrained and changed career, and I think she made a great choice.

I won’t go into the specifics, but if you read my blog you will know that I experienced two miscarriages not so long ago. My confidence in terms of all things reproductive (and wider health to be honest) has been quite knocked by the experience, so I booked a free consultation with Becki to discuss my options with her.

She was so helpful! I now have a plan of action and feel like I’m wresting back some control. Becki is really knowledgeable and reassuring. If you are anything like me and have found your GP unhelpful, I think there’s a lot of value in working with someone who takes an holistic and particular approach to you.

I felt so much better after talking to Becki. I have tasks to do and tests to arrange, and I now know what to ask my doctor for. Once I have a clearer picture I will get back in touch with Becki.

One of the things Becki and I discussed was how helpful it is to have someone by your side to support you through difficult experiences or challenges. And since we can’t all be expert in everything, people like Alice, and Hannah and Becki (and dare I say it, me) can be the very expert you need to guide you and hold your hand.

I urge you to check out these three excellent women.

There are so many other great people I’ve met that I eventually hope to work with. I’ll keep you posted. I’d better get saving!



I'm Jodie Lamb and I have been running Trevnee Coaching since early 2020. I've been an accredited life coach since 2008. I help you make the most of career and lifestyle change.

I write a weekly newsletter. I promise to only send you useful tips, strategies and occasional offers and never to spam you! I'd love it if you'd sign up.


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